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3 Ways To Reduce Gutter Noise

Are your gutters disturbing your peace and quiet? Noisy gutters can be distracting as drips and trickles disturb work, sleep, and relaxation.

Fortunately, there are some easy tips to silence those gutters in no time.

Noisy Gutter Causes

Noisy gutters are usually caused by several factors:

  • Clogs. Leaves, twigs, and other debris can create a blockage on your roof or in your gutter, causing water to pool and rip on the side of your downspout, eaves, or outer house walls.
  • Loose Brackets. Wind, snow, ice, and rain can cause the brackets of your gutter to become loose. When water hits, the gutter rattles and makes noise.
  • Bad Angle. Gutters are installed at an angle, allowing gravity to pull water to and through them easily. If the gutter is bumped or comes loose, the water does not flow properly, causing the pinging and knocks that frustrate homeowners and business owners.

How to Fix a Noisy Gutter

No one wants to hear the rattle of a noisy gutter. The most common cause is clogged gutters, this can usually be taken care of by cleaning them and removing any debris. If this isn’t effective you may need to call in some back up! A professional roofer and gutter contractor can get the issue solved correctly. Our solutions include:

1. Replacing the noisy gutter 2. Repairing damage to the gutter 3. Installing a gutter guard to prevent leaves, needles and debris

At Premiere Roofing, we can inspect, repair, and replace your gutters to keep your home protected and eliminate the noise. Let a professional assess and fix your gutter issues. To get a free estimate on your gutter repairs, contact Premiere Roofing today.

3 Steps to Filing an Insurance Claim When Your Roof is Damaged

When storms or other issues lead to a damaged roof, your insurance company may be able to compensate you. For expeditious processing of your insurance claim, follow these three steps.

1. Know What’s Covered

Because most insurance companies wont cover damage that is caused by improper roof maintenance, it’s best to keep your roof in the best possible shape:

  • Have a roofing professional inspect your roof annually to repair problem areas
  • Replace missing shingles
  • Remove dead trees that could potentially fall on your home
  • Regularly clean gutters
  • Keep your roof clear of debris like leaves, pine straw, and pine cones

To avoid unexpected costs with roofing insurance claims, its best to know what your policy covers ahead of time. The best way to find out about your coverage is to contact your agent. Many homeowner policies cover damage from hail, wind damage, fire, but do not cover damage from normal wear and tear.

2. Get a Professional Damage Assessment

Your insurance company is unlikely to take your word for it that your roof is damaged, no matter how bad a shape it’s in. The first phone call you should make is to your professional roofing company in Columbia to ask for a damage assessment for your roof. This assessment will also help to let you know how critical your roof repair is, which is important for the insurance company to understand.

3. Be Available for a Claims Adjustor Appointment

In some cases, the insurance company will ask to send out a claims adjustor to see the damage for themselves. If this happens, make yourself available at the first appointment opportunity. If you try to push off the appointment to a later date, your claim may be delayed interminably. Meanwhile, any secondary damage from your roof issues—such as leaking—may become more serious and complicated.

These are the three most important steps you can take after suffering from roof damage. Premiere Roofing, your local roofing company, can work with your insurance company in ensuring a timely and quality roof repair or replacement.

Ultimate Guide: Homeowners Handbook to Roof Maintenance

Roof maintenance for homeowners is a lot quicker and easier than you might think. Here is (almost) everything you need to know and do to keep your roof intact and looking great.

1. Visually Inspect

About twice a year (spring and fall are best), look up and inspect your roof from the ground. Look for the following:

  • Loose or missing shingles
  • Missing or exposed fasteners
  • Buckling, loose or missing flashing
  • Sagging gutters
  • Piles of shingle granules

2. Have Your Gutters Cleaned

When you have your roof inspected, also have them inspect your gutters for damage. You should also clean out your gutters a couple of times a year. If you know there’s a big storm on the way in, you definitely want to have those gutters cleaned out. If leaves or debris builds up, it can cause water to back up which can lead to rotting in your roof’s fascia and eaves.

3. Keep Any Trees Trimmed

If you have trees in your yard, have them trimmed and keep any dangerous branches at bay. One big South Carolina windstorm can send a branch right through your roof.

4. Watch for Moss or Algae

Keep overhanging branches trimmed back from your roof to avoid moss and algae buildup. You also want to make sure the attic is properly ventilated and keep debris off of your roof.

5. Re-Caulk If Needed

Your roof’s flashings won’t always hold their seal if a low-grade caulking was used during insulation. Give us a call if you think your roof may need to be re-caulked.

6. Check Your Insulation

Properly insulating and ventilating your attic is the key to keeping your roof in good shape, by reducing moisture.

That’s all there is to basic roof maintenance for homeowners with a standard shingled roof. Contact us at 803-244-9428 for any of the steps that you need assistance with! Our team has decades of experience and will take the time to educate you on routine maintenance to extend the roof’s lifespan.

Savvy Ways to Improve Your Curb Appeal with Siding Maintenance

If you’re like most homeowners, you already know that curb appeal is an important component in successfully selling a home as well as personal enjoyment of the property — after all, no one enjoys coming home to a house with an unkempt appearance or having company over to a home with a shabby exterior. Fortunately, those with vinyl siding can keep their homes looking great with the right type of maintenance. Here’s what you need to know.

Keep Shrubbery Trimmed Back

Although vinyl is a tough, durable material that won’t rot due to water damage the same way that wood does, shrubbery and trees rubbing up against it are likely to develop scratches, minor cracks, punctures, and even discoloration that can severely decrease its aesthetic appeal. Keep yard vegetation trimmed back to prevent this from happening.

Keep it Clean

Giving your vinyl siding a thorough cleaning about once per year and spot-cleaning it the rest of the time helps keep your home exterior look pristine and attractive. All you need is a brush with stiff bristles and a bucket full of warm water mixed with a mild detergent. This activity also provides you with the chance to make sure all of your siding is firmly attached. 

Keep it Maintained

Storm damage and extreme South Carolina temperatures also cause holes, cracks, and other types of damage that not only presents an unsightly appearance, it creates conditions that make it possible for rodents to access your home interior as well as exposes your home to the elements. Having these damages repaired as quickly as possible prevents further damage and keeps your home exterior looking good. 

Please feel free to reach out to us at Premiere Roofing via our contact us page for more information about how we can preserve your home’s curb appeal. 

3 Simple Rules for Preparing Your Gutters to Handle Summer Rain  

Prepping your roof for the harsh winter is emphasized, but what should you do when the summer comes? Summer is notorious for storms and unexpected rains. We discuss 3 ways through which you can take care of the gutters in preparation for these rains.

Inspect the gutters

Gutters, just like any part of the roof wears out. For example, gutters could become unattached due to the spikes that hold them in place loosening up. Downspouts are another area of concern. They should be inspected for any loose rivets. You can either fix these yourself, but should you be unable to, professionals such Premiere Roofing can do it for you.

Clean the gutters

Clear the gutters of any debris that accumulates over time. Use a steady and strong ladder that will be high enough to enable you to remove this dirt by hand comfortably. Accumulation of this debris in your gutters leads to poor water drainage, which will ultimately damage your roof. Wear sturdy gloves when you are doing this. Premiere Roofing can help you accomplish this if you do not have the necessary equipment.

Check the gutters for leaks

This is accomplished by pouring water onto the gutters to evaluate how well it drains. This will allow you to identify any leakages and have them fixed. Check the gutters’ seams, and joints as these are the most common places you would find leaks. Premiere Roofing has been offering roofing solutions to the greater Midlands of South Carolina, and are always happy and willing to handle your roofing needs. With over 10 years of experience, you can rest assured no matter your type of gutter; we will repair it professionally. Feel free to contact us at (803) 2449428 for a free estimate.

3 Clever Ways to Guard Your Roof from Summer Sun Damage  

Ah, summer-the best time to get ahead of roof issues. Heat will bring wear and tear to a roof, courtesy of the brilliant sun of Columbia, SC.

Here are three words to the wise about protecting your roof.

1. Work With the Albedo Effect No, it’s not the latest band. You know the albedo effect if you’ve ever worn black on a summer day, or walked barefoot on blacktop! Dark asphalt, black rooftops, and lack of greenery all raise the temperature in and around any building. And that takes a toll on the materials. So pick lighter paints for exterior coats and detailing. Repaving your driveway? Make it lighter. Prefer garden space over more paving or mulch.

2. Clean Out Those Gutters Clogged gutters can cause rainwater to pool on top of your roof. Way to wear out your shingles and the whole roof structure. Swimming pools gain heat from the sun—so does ponding on roofs.

3. Keep An Eye Out Heat can shorten a roof’s life. With the proper maintenance and a reliable contractor you can prevent problems before they start. You can also do visual inspections to look for signs of cracking or warping. If you notice any signs of damage at all then you should seek professional help immediately. Proactive care can add a decade to the life of your roof.

Consider our unexpected tips to beat the heat this summer. And if you’re looking for Columbia SC roof experts to help, call Premiere Roofing at 803-244-9428.

What to Expect From a Roof Inspection: The Ultimate Guide  

Your home’s yearly roof checkup is important. Your roof is your first defense against bad weather, hot days and heavy storms. Whether you’re facing structural issues or simply want an inspection, understanding the professional process can help. Below, we’re covering the ins and outs of the roof inspection process.

Breaking Down the Roof Inspection

Your professional provider will “break up” your roof inspection into four sections:

  • The structural inspection
  • The material inspection
  • The interior inspection
  • The workmanship inspection

Let’s cover each section

The Structural Inspection

First, your roofing inspector will check for uneven roof spots. They’ll also check for sagging. In addition, they’ll check your roof’s fascia, soffit and gutter system. If you’ve asked for a chimney inspection, too, they’ll inspect your chimney for crumbling grout, cracks and chimney cap damage. 

The Material Inspection

Next, your inspector will check your roof for missing, loose or curling shingles. Once they’ve inspected the shingles, they’ll look for rust, moss or mildew. They’ll also check your roof for missing fasteners or flashing. Vent pipe seals and rubber boots will be examined for deterioration or gaps.

The Interior Inspection

It’s important to examine a roof’s underbelly, too. Once your inspector has double-checked the exterior’s structural and material integrity, they’ll check the interior for the following:

  • Leaks
  • Stains
  • Rot
  • Mold

The Workmanship Inspection

Finally, the thorough inspection will cover your roof’s workmanship. Before your roofing inspector finishes, they’ll examine your roof for incorrect flashing. They’ll also examine the roof’s different penetrations, like its skylights and vent pipes, for structural integrity.

If you’re ready for a roof inspection, call Premiere Roofing today at 803-244-9248. Or, contact us with any questions. Get an estimate, and a member of our staff will help you understand your roof’s long-term needs. At Premiere Roofing, your home’s structural integrity is always a priority.

Are Your Gutters Ready for South Carolina’s Spring Pollen? Find Out!  

Pollen. For some of us, it’s what makes us sneeze and our eyes itch or burn. For most of us, it’s what ends up in our gutters. Pollen is small, fluffy-like stuff, but it adds up quick and can accumulate in gutters. That proximity to your living can exacerbate the sneezing as much as it can cause havoc to your gutters — it can become sticky in the gutters and hold other debris in place so it doesn’t wash down properly. Here’s how to tell if your gutters are ready for South Carolina’s spring pollen.

Are Your Gutters Ready for South Carolina’s Spring Pollen?

This question can be answered by answering a few other questions.

  • Examine your gutters, are they filled with leaves, twigs, or any other kind of debris? If so, your gutters aren’t ready and Spring pollen will worsen the condition with its sticky accumulation.
  • Are your downspouts clogged with debris?If your downspouts are clogged, then when it rains, the rain won’t be able to wash the pollen out properly and will just add to the clogging effect. Soon, you could have rain water and everything with it spilling over the gutters rather than running down the downspout as it should. Overtime, this can cause other problems to the infrastructure.
  • Are any parts of your gutters cracked, bent, or separated?If so, sticky accumulation of Spring pollen can aggravate the situation. When the pollen collects, it can hold other debris in place and the added pressure can intensify the cracks.

Before Spring pollen worsens, you want to check your gutters to make sure they are ready to handle the added pressure pollen can carry with it. You likely have two options after active fall and winter seasons: clean your gutters yourself or hire someone to do the gutter cleaning. If your gutters are damaged, you’ll want to get them repaired as soon as possible, too. Time is of the essence, so get outside and check your gutters.

Are You Ready to Get Your Gutters Prepared for Spring Pollen?

If you determined that your gutters need to be cleaned or repaired or are simply unsure about it, contact us at Premiere Roofing with any of your questions or to schedule service. We are here to service you and all your gutter needs.

3 Spring Roof Maintenance Tips for your Rental Property

After a long, dreary winter, it looks like spring is almost here. The warm winds and bright sun make the spring a perfect time to proactively inspect and maintain your rental property’s roof. Performing the proper maintenance on your rental will help protect your investment and keep your tenants happy.

One of the most important parts of any property is the roof. Keeping it well-maintained will help stop moisture damage and cut down on costly repairs later on. Here are 3 roof maintenance tips for the spring:

#1 Perform a Roof Inspection

The first thing that you will want to do is perform a roof inspection. If you are not able to get up on the roof or you are squeamish of heights, then hire a professional to do an inspection. Here are things to look for:

  • Shingles that are buckled, cracked or curled up
  • Broken or missing shingles
  • Damaged flashing around skylights, vents or chimneys

#2 Take a Look at the Gutters

Check for leaky or loose gutters. Make sure that they are all draining properly. Improper drainage can lead to serious water damage in other areas of the home. Check the downspouts for debris and remove any that you find.

#3 Check the Interior Ceilings and Walls

Look for signs of water damage on interior ceilings and walls. You might notice dark water spots. Also, take a look in the attic to check for signs of moisture. This is usually the first area that is damaged by a roof leak.

Doing these simple maintenance tasks in the spring will help ensure that your rental property stays in good shape. It will pave the way for a trouble-free summer. For more tips on roof maintenance or to schedule an appointment for a roof inspection of your rental property, visit Premiere Roofing of South Carolina.

4 Essential Steps for Protecting Your South Carolina House From Spring Storms

Spring storms can wreak havoc on your home. Winds and even minor hail can damage your roof, siding, gutters, landscaping, windows and more. Fortunately, there are some things that you can do both before and after volatile weather that can help minimize the damage to your home and property. Here are 4 essential steps for protecting your house from spring storms:

#1 Have Your Roof Inspected

The first thing that you’ll want to do to prepare for hail storm or wind damage is to inspect your roof. If your roof is in good shape, the chances of it surviving a spring storm is better. For the best results, hire a professional to perform the inspection. They can look for things that blistering and missing grains on your shingles. These signs of roof damage are something that a professional would notice right away.

#2 Make Needed Repairs

It is a lot more affordable to make small, preventive repairs to your roof rather than to deal with extensive damage or leaks later on. Therefore, if you have damage from a storm, don’t wait. Always make repairs as soon as possible.

#3 Assess Storm Damage

If you are unlucky enough to experience a severe storm in your area, then immediately inspect the exterior of your home and your roof for damage. Catching problems early will help prevent bigger issues later on. Look for signs of siding and roof damage from the ground, such as missing shingles, damaged gutters and holes in the siding.

#4 Contact a Qualified Contractor

If your home’s roof is damaged, you’ll need to contact a qualified roofing contractor right away. Choose a contractor who is experienced in repairing damage from hail and wind.

If you have questions about your roof or would like an inspection, contact Premiere Roofing. We have been serving the Midlands of South Carolina since 2008.

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“Darell Greene with Premiere Roofing and the entire crew did a Phenomenal job! My Mom and I are So Happy with Everything! Well Done Premiere!!”
Lisa Ann W.
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