Prepare Your Roof for Spring Rains  

March 23, 2017

One of the biggest threats to your home is water. Water penetration can weaken supports and spur on the growth of hazardous molds. Your roof is the best defense that your home has against the elements. Before the spring and summer rains arrive, it’s important that you take a look at your roof and make sure it’s ready for the new season. Here are some things you can do to make sure your roof is ready:

Clean Out Gutters

If you didn’t get to it at the end of autumn, then you could have a buildup of leaves and other debris in your gutters. As people living in the South Carolina are well aware, spring ushers in the heavy rains and you could experience up to 20 inches by the end of summer. It’s important to clean out your gutters now before they are damaged by swelling water.

Check Seams

High winds and inclement weather can give your roof a pounding. Some of the key areas to scrutinize are around ventilation pipes, skylights and chimneys. Take a close look at the flashing and seams. Check for anything that appears loose or cracking. These are common areas for water penetration to occur.

Evaluate Shingles

Seasonal storms and high winds can tear or loosen shingles. It’s important that you act quickly to have these replaced. Water can get behind them and weaken your roof’s structural supports and also promote mold growth.

Soft Spots

As you walk the roof, be aware of any areas that feel softer than others. Once water gets behind shingles, it can cause rot. If the strength doesn’t feel consistent, get a professional inspection. A weakened roof can put you and your family in danger.

For more information about our roofing services, contact the experts at Premiere Roofing today. We look forward to working with you.