5 Things You Should Know Before Making a Roof Insurance Claim

January 6, 2021

5 Things You Should Know Before Making a Roof Insurance Claim
Roof Insurance Claim

If you have roof damage from a storm or other issue besides age, you might want to file a roof insurance claim. Before you do, there are some things you should know. Here are five things to keep in mind when making a roof insurance claim.

#1: Understand Your Policy and Coverage

Take a look at your policy before you file a claim. Make sure you understand what’s covered and what’s not. You’ll also want to know what your deductible is. Not all roof replacement has coverage, so you’ll want to know what your out-of-pocket costs might be.

#2: Contact Your Insurance Company

The best source for information about your policy is your insurance company. They can assign an examiner for your claim. They will work with Premiere Roofing to complete and pay for repairs or replacement.

#3: Get a Roof Assessment

Premiere Roofing can assess the damage to your roof and determine if it needs repair or replacement. They’ll provide a written estimate with details on the work required and the cost.

#4: Work with a Claims Adjuster

A claims adjuster will work with Premiere Roofing to ensure the validity of the recommended repairs or replacement and to ensure your coverage is adequate for the work.

#5: Schedule the Work

Once you complete all of the insurance claim information and have approval, you can schedule the work. Be sure to only hire a company that’s licensed and bonded for your protection.

For an experienced team that can make the insurance process and the roof replacement low stress, contact the team at Premiere Roofing today.