4 Stress-Free Ways to Keep Your Pet Calm During Roof Repairs

October 11, 2018

The need for a roof repair never happens at a convenient time. The noise, the mess, and the upheaval of a roof repair job can be stressful for any homeowner, but pets can really show their frustration and stress during a roof repair. In return, when pets act out it can be distracting for the roof repair experts and even upset your whole household. The following are a list of ways to reduce stress on your pets while the roofing experts focus on getting the job done right.

Ways to Calm Your Pet During a Roof Repair Project:

  • Plan for exercise: When nerves are frayed, a good healthy dose of exercise can do a lot to calm down pets. Go for a run with your dog, take your pet to a park and play catch, or any other fun activity.
  • Make a safe space for your animal: Roof repairs take time. You might not be available to take your pet out of the house while the repairs are ongoing. Instead, plan for a cozy, dark, safe space where your pet can hide. Stock the area with treats, plenty of hiding places, and comforting toys.
  • Spend time together: Giving lots of attention to your pet will help create a pleasant distraction. Talk to them, play together, and give lots of pets and scratches to help minimize stress.

At Premiere Roofing, we do our best to minimize any disruptions to you or your pet’s life. Contact us today to find out more about how we do our job efficiently and effectively with minimal disruptions to your life or to schedule an appointment.