Commercial Roof Repairs that Don’t Require Replacement

Commercial roof maintenance is part of owning and managing a commercial building. However, it shouldn’t be the only thing you do, and it shouldn’t cost you a small fortune. If you have a damaged business roof, there are some signs that your roof needs replacement or repair. Here’s what to look for and what you should know.

commercial roof maintenance

When to Consider Replacement


Nothing lasts forever, including roofs. So here are some signs it’s time to consider investing in a brand-new roof for your building:


  • Ongoing and repetitive repairs – if you’re constantly calling for roof repair and the same issues pop up over and over, it could be time for a new roof.


  • The age of the roof – commercial roofs have a lifespan of 20-30 years for PVC and 30-45 for metal. If yours is pushing up against those milestones, it’s probably worth talking to a commercial roofing company about replacement.


  • Lack of energy efficiency – if your energy bills are going through the proverbial roof, it’s a sign that a new roof might be in order so you can save money and keep your building more consistently comfortable.


When to Consider Repair


Commercial roof maintenance shouldn’t be all-consuming. If the roof on your building is showing wear and tear or has needed repairs lately, but you aren’t ready for the cost of replacement, the advancement in commercial roof repair could extend its life and make it more effective and more efficient. There are two primary methods for repair depending on the type of commercial roof, including shingle and metal coating.


  • Shingle repair – most homes use asphalt shingle roofs, but plenty of commercial buildings use the same materials and installation. They’re durable, long-lasting, and easy to repair. They’re also cost-effective and low maintenance. If your shingle roof has leaks or damage, you could replace it, but before investing in that option, it’s worth finding out if repairs are adequate. Proper repair can extend the life of your commercial shingle roof, improve its performance, and improve energy efficiency in your building.


  • Metal coating – if your building has a metal roof, the best option for repair is metal roof coatings. Commercial roof coating and waterproofing means you’ll get a durable and long-lasting finish that costs about a third of what you’ll pay for roof replacement and that can stand up to the elements, including the kind of rain we get here in the south. The coating application includes the full roof and takes half the time of replacement. Because of the advanced properties and Energy Star ratings, they’ll increase your energy efficiency without having to start from scratch. They’re also seamless and reapplication is possible, increasing the life of your roof.


If you’re tired of commercial roof maintenance on your business but dread the thought of investing in roof replacement, you’ve come to the right place. There are state-of-the-art commercial roof repairs that don’t require replacement, and Premiere Roofing is the local expert on commercial roof services. Contact their team of roofing professionals and schedule a time for a free estimate to find out if your building’s roof is a good candidate for repair.

Your Checklist for Prepping Your Gutters for Winter

Is prepping gutters for winter on your pre-holiday to-do list? If not, it should be. Even in the south, winter effects on gutters can leave you reeling come springtime. To avoid potential damage and get the most out of your gutter system, it’s important to know why you should keep them clean and what it takes to clear and maintain them.

prepping gutters for winter

Why You Should Prep Your Gutters for Winter


Water from faulty, broken, or missing gutters is one of the most common reasons for home water damage. And winter weather, especially with increased precipitation and colder temperatures, can lead to cracked and damaged gutters. Additionally, leaving debris in the channels leads to clogs which means the water goes where it shouldn’t, including into your home through the siding or roof and straight down where it collects near your foundation. Prepping gutters for winter can help prevent all these issues.


How to Prepare Gutters for Winter Weather


When you have a household task ahead of you, a checklist can be helpful for the process. Here’s a list of basic gutter maintenance you should do before the winter weather can cause damage:


  • Cleaning
    • Due to their location and shape, gutters are the perfect place for leaves, debris, and gunk to gather. Removing all the potential blockages is crucial to effectively carrying water away from your home. The material can become heavy enough to cause the gutters to pull away from your house and fall in addition to blocking water and causing overflow or even ice dams.
  • Checking for cracks, holes, and damage
    • Your damage inspection should include checking the gutter hangers and replacing them if worn or bent, inspecting and sealing the joints if they aren’t tight, and making sure the downspouts are securely fastened and in good shape.
  • Sealing the caps on the ends of the gutters
    • Gutter end caps are the pieces that cover the openings on the end of the pieces that don’t meet other gutter stems. These are among the first to show signs of wear. Ensuring they’re in good shape and sealed is essential to preventing damage during the winter.
  • Installing gutter covers
    • Gutter covers help keep all the bad stuff out, so you don’t have to do as much cleaning in the fall and winter. They act as a screen to let water in and keep potential channel blockers out. You may still have to wipe off the top from time to time, but the deep cleaning won’t be necessary.
  • Adding downspout extensions
    • You could risk foundation damage if your gutters don’t send water far enough away from your home. Adding downspout extensions helps direct the water away from your home and foundation and toward proper drainage.


The gutters on your house in cold weather do more than you might think to protect your home from water damage. Instead of repairing and cleaning up the effects of damaged gutters, plan accordingly for prepping your gutters for winter. The experienced and knowledgeable team at Premiere Roofing can handle your winter gutter prep and more. Contact them today for a free estimate.