Is Your Leaky Roof Making You Sick?

Is your leaky roof making you sick?If you have a leaky roof, you could have bigger concerns than simply roof repair. When water seeps into your home, it can have a substantial impact on your health and wellbeing. So you might need to ask yourself, is your leaky roof making you sick?

What Happens When Your Roof Leaks?

Small holes, cracks, or damage to your roof can allow water to seep into your home. A small amount might not seem like a big deal, but a slow leak is often worse than a big one. With a large leak, you often notice the water damage right away. However, a small or slow leak can go on for days, weeks, or even months without you noticing. It can start by getting into your attic and slowly work its way into your insulation, ceiling, and walls.

Why Water Damage is Bad for Your Health

Water itself is not bad for you if it comes into your home. The real danger begins when the water sits and soaks into the materials of your home, and mold starts to grow. Mold can colonize and spread quickly with moisture and warmth, the environment in most homes. Mold, especially black mold, can lead to many health issues, including:

  • Rashes and irritated skin
  • Itchy, watery eyes
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Congestion
  • Respiratory issues
  • Sore throat
  • Memory loss
  • Nosebleeds

Water can cause significant damage to your home, but it can do far worse to your health. If there’s any chance you could have a leaky roof, don’t wait to find out. Trust the experts to fix your home, especially if your leaky roof is making you sick. Contact Premiere Roofing to schedule a roof inspection as soon as possible.

3 Common Roof Anomalies and What They Mean for Your Home’s Health

Torn shingles on old roofNo roof is perfect, but some roof anomalies can jeopardize your home’s health. Take a look at three of the most common.

#1: Folds and Creases

Creases and folds can be the result of pressure and suction from high winds. Depending on the shingle material, it can be difficult to see these types of anomalies. However, when your roof shingles fold or crease, it can allow moisture to penetrate the sublayer and leak into your home.

#2: Torn Shingles and Roofing Material

From the ground, it’s nearly impossible to tell if you have torn shingles on your roof. However, if any of your shingles fold, they can develop a crease that can lead to a tear. Wind, hail, improper installation, and manufacturer defects can also lead to torn shingles. Missing pieces of shingles mean your home is more vulnerable to the elements where your roof is not secure.

#3: Punctures

Whether you have a shingle roof or a metal one, punctures can be a big problem. They can occur during roof repair, installing something on the roof, hail, or even improper roof installation. The issue with holes in the roof is always the potential for water damage. Water can seep into your home through the holes, even small ones, leading to damage ranging from minor to catastrophic.

Whether your roof has anomalies from manufacturing, extreme weather, or mishandling, it’s critical to repair it as soon as possible. However, instead of risking life and limb climbing up on your roof, it’s always best to call in a professional. Contact the team at Premiere Roofing with any of your roofing questions or concerns or schedule a roof inspection.