2 Common Roofing Issues You’re Likely to See in SC This Winter

Roofing issues can happen anytime, but winter seems to be when they’re most common. If you live in South Carolina, prepare yourself by checking out these two common roofing issues you’re likely to see this winter.

1: Condensation in Your Attic

In the summer, when you have an icy cold drink in a glass on a hot day, the outside of the glass collects condensation. This happens because the warm air hits the cold glass. The same thing can happen when the warm air in your attic hits the cold air under your roof. Condensation in your attic can lead to damage on the underside of the roof, the interior of your attic, or it can lead to mold growth.

2: Icicles and Ice Dams

Icicles happen when the heat from inside your home melts ice or snow from your roof when it’s still cold out. The water drips down, freezing as it leaves the warm roof, creating the icicles. Ice dams occur when the ice or snow melts into pools of water that form on the eaves of your roof. When the pools freeze, they can cause a dam that blocks the melting ice from running off your roof. That water can leak into your attic and under your roof, leading to water damage inside your home.

Winter is a wonderful time of year, except when it’s the cause of roof damage. If you’re aware of the potential issues, you can be proactive about preventing them. For help keeping your home safe and your roof in tip-top condition in every season, contact the experts at Premiere Roofing.

New Roof: Trick or Treating for Adults

Is getting roof replacement like trick or treating for adults? You never know if you’re going to get tricked by a shady company or treated with reliable service. Before signing a contract, take a look at some tips from roofing professionals.

Tip #1: Make Sure They’re Insured

Never, and we mean never, hire a roofing company without seeing proof of insurance. Suppose something happens to any workers or sub-contractors while on your property. You could be liable. Any company worth their salt will have insurance and will gladly show you their documentation.

Tip #2: Cheapest Isn’t Best

Don’t automatically go with the cheapest company. You get what you pay for, and to-good-to-be-true pricing can mean lack of experience, sub-par materials, or questionable business practices. Do your research, get referrals, and check online reviews before hiring a company.

Tip #3: Send the Storm Chasers Packing

Have you noticed after a big storm that companies send out salespeople door-to-door? Their spiel usually includes saying they’re already working with your neighbors, or they noticed damage to your roof, though neither is likely true. Beware of the roofing companies that knock on your door after a storm.

Tip #4: Get it in Writing

A good company will come to your house, do a thorough inspection of your roof, and put an estimate in writing. Make sure you agree to the terms, the timing, and the cost before you sign on the dotted line.

Roof replacement shouldn’t be a trick or treat scenario. For roofing professionals with experience and expertise you can count on, contact the team at Premiere Roofing today.