3 Ways To Reduce Gutter Noise

Are your gutters disturbing your peace and quiet? Noisy gutters can be distracting as drips and trickles disturb work, sleep, and relaxation.

Fortunately, there are some easy tips to silence those gutters in no time.

Noisy Gutter Causes

Noisy gutters are usually caused by several factors:

  • Clogs. Leaves, twigs, and other debris can create a blockage on your roof or in your gutter, causing water to pool and rip on the side of your downspout, eaves, or outer house walls.
  • Loose Brackets. Wind, snow, ice, and rain can cause the brackets of your gutter to become loose. When water hits, the gutter rattles and makes noise.
  • Bad Angle. Gutters are installed at an angle, allowing gravity to pull water to and through them easily. If the gutter is bumped or comes loose, the water does not flow properly, causing the pinging and knocks that frustrate homeowners and business owners.

How to Fix a Noisy Gutter

No one wants to hear the rattle of a noisy gutter. The most common cause is clogged gutters, this can usually be taken care of by cleaning them and removing any debris. If this isn’t effective you may need to call in some back up! A professional roofer and gutter contractor can get the issue solved correctly. Our solutions include:

1. Replacing the noisy gutter 2. Repairing damage to the gutter 3. Installing a gutter guard to prevent leaves, needles and debris

At Premiere Roofing, we can inspect, repair, and replace your gutters to keep your home protected and eliminate the noise. Let a professional assess and fix your gutter issues. To get a free estimate on your gutter repairs, contact Premiere Roofing today.

3 Steps to Filing an Insurance Claim When Your Roof is Damaged

When storms or other issues lead to a damaged roof, your insurance company may be able to compensate you. For expeditious processing of your insurance claim, follow these three steps.

1. Know What’s Covered

Because most insurance companies wont cover damage that is caused by improper roof maintenance, it’s best to keep your roof in the best possible shape:

  • Have a roofing professional inspect your roof annually to repair problem areas
  • Replace missing shingles
  • Remove dead trees that could potentially fall on your home
  • Regularly clean gutters
  • Keep your roof clear of debris like leaves, pine straw, and pine cones

To avoid unexpected costs with roofing insurance claims, its best to know what your policy covers ahead of time. The best way to find out about your coverage is to contact your agent. Many homeowner policies cover damage from hail, wind damage, fire, but do not cover damage from normal wear and tear.

2. Get a Professional Damage Assessment

Your insurance company is unlikely to take your word for it that your roof is damaged, no matter how bad a shape it’s in. The first phone call you should make is to your professional roofing company in Columbia to ask for a damage assessment for your roof. This assessment will also help to let you know how critical your roof repair is, which is important for the insurance company to understand.

3. Be Available for a Claims Adjustor Appointment

In some cases, the insurance company will ask to send out a claims adjustor to see the damage for themselves. If this happens, make yourself available at the first appointment opportunity. If you try to push off the appointment to a later date, your claim may be delayed interminably. Meanwhile, any secondary damage from your roof issues—such as leaking—may become more serious and complicated.

These are the three most important steps you can take after suffering from roof damage. Premiere Roofing, your local roofing company, can work with your insurance company in ensuring a timely and quality roof repair or replacement.