Roof Maintenance: What You Should Know  

Your home’s roofing is an integral part of protecting and keeping your family safe. But more often than not, your roof faces tough weather conditions or objects that cause damage. Repairing or replacing a roof can be expensive and that is why you need to know a thing or two about basic roof maintenance. Here is a guide to help you navigate basic roof maintenance for your home.

  1. Regularly inspect your roof Regular inspections on your roof are important in keeping it in top shape. In the spring, the roof should be inspected for signs of damage from snow and ice during the winter, and in autumn, the roof and gutters should be cleaned of any debris or leaves that could cause blockage.
  2. Clear trees and other objects around the roof Check if the trees around your house have overhanging branches that are intruding on the roof. Overgrown branches can cause serious damage to your roof and can even be dangerous for your family. These branches also shed off leaves that block the roof’s drainage.
  3. Check the state of your shingles This is especially important if you live in a stormy area with heavy winds. Whenever storms and heavy winds hit, they loosen up your roof’s shingles and can sometimes even blow them off. Check for loose or missing shingles and repair or replace them as soon as possible.
  4. Keep an eye for wild animals and pests Animals, such as squirrels and birds, have a tendency of building their homes in or under the roof, where they can cause extensive damage. Pests, such as termites, can also wreak havoc on wooden roofs. If you spot shredded wood, bug feces or sawdust on the roof, immediately call a professional exterminator.

If you find a major problem with your roof that needs immediate professional repair, schedule repair services with the professionals at Premiere Roofing immediately.

Holiday Decorating Safety Tips  

We all have a little Clark Griswold in us — that inner voice that tells us that no risk is too big when it comes to decking the halls with elaborate holiday displays. But life is not a National Lampoon movie!

Don’t neglect these basic safety rules when it comes time to put up your holiday decorations.

Electrifying Your Exterior?

Safety is a special concern when it comes to outdoor decorations. Avoid these common pitfalls:

  • Shock the neighbors with your creativity — not yourself, with voltage. Avoid using indoor power sources, or having too many cords running from the same outdoor outlet.
  • Be extremely careful about where you position large rooftop decorations. If they are too close to power lines, shifting winds or faulty fasteners could cause the decorations to make contact with the lines.
  • Do a test run on your lights indoors to check for burned-out sections rather than trying to replace them after they’re secured to the roof. Use a helper to keep the ladder steady when you’re ready to string those lights.
  • Don’t leave light displays running 24-7. Turn them off before you go to bed or when you leave the house during the evening.

The Great Indoors

Many of the same rules apply for both interior and exterior holiday lighting: Turn off all lights at night, and don’t climb tall ladders alone! In addition, indoor trees should be kept well away from heat sources. Menorah and other candles should be lit only when you can monitor them.

And, as always — throw away those frayed power or extension cords!

Have any other questions about keeping yourself –and your rooftop– safe and secure during the holiday season? Contact the experts at Premiere Roofing to arrange for repairs and maintenance.